Quantune has invented and developed the first-of-its-kind micro spectrometer that records hundreds of data points in the mid-infrared spectral range — the molecular fingerprint region – for unprecedented breadth and depth of data. It combines two fundamentally new pieces of technology. The first is an extremely widely tunable Quantum Cascade Laser and the second is a depth-scanning touch detector.
Utilizing quantum technologies, MEMS and semiconductor photonics, we have miniaturized what used to be table-top instrumentation, to bring the full potential of lab analysis right where it’s needed. Enabling real-time health monitoring, and so much more…
The micro spectrometer is awarded with several significant tech awards, most notably the
2023 Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis.
»To make this system work, you have to reinvent all parts involved... and that’s what we did«
Dr. Jan F. Kischkat, CEO & founder Quantune Technologies GmbH
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